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Module 3: Support and Guidance

- 1 day | 4 semester hours -


This module complements the higher-education-didactics module by addressing topics such as conversation techniques, structuring guidance discussions, feedback culture and communication rules. SPDL-scholarship holders also discuss the different kinds of doctoral dissertations (cumulative versus monograph) and forms for earning doctorates (structured doctorate programmes versus individual doctoral studies) as well as established forms of supervising doctoral studies, such as guidelines and supervision agreements.

Learning goals/outcomes

The participants…

  • know rules of feedback and relevant aspects of feedback;
  • have increased their knowledge regarding professional guidance;
  • know structuring aids for the target-orientated design of guidance situations;
  • are able to evaluate the different kinds and forms of supporting doctoral candidates;
  • know the established forms for supervising doctoral studies.
en/courses/training/element-04/description.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/04 20:23 by uwsc