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Osnabrück University is the academic coordinator of the training programme and works closely with the DAAD. We have a wide network of national and international experts who act as lecturers in this training programme and provide in-depth experience, reflecting the specific topics from an international and intercultural perspective.

The organizers:

Prof. Dr. Christian Dorsch, Osnabrueck University
Institute of Human Geography, Head of the working group Geographical Education
Project management, curriculum development, learning environment higher education didactics and academic communication
Dr. Amelie Stolle, Osnabrueck University
Institute of Human Geography, Research assistant, Geographical Information Systems & Geospatial technologies
Project coordination, curriculum development, learning environment higher education didactics and geospatial technologies

Contact details of training programmme coordination

GeoTraining Coordination Office
Osnabrück University
Institute of Geography
Seminarstraße 19a/b
D-49074 Osnabrück, Germany

Email: geotraining[at]

en/organizers/main.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/09 12:08 by chdo