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W08-1: Publishing

In this worksheet, we will focus on the final goal of your research and the ultimate reason for academic communication: the publication. After completing this worksheet, you will have a better understanding of academic journals, the impact factor, and style sheets.

Things you need for this worksheet

Learning log assignments

:-\ Go to the scijournal website. Research for a journal of your field. Find out the impact factor of the journal.

:-\ In a next step, go to the website of your choosen journal. Find out which style sheets or style format the publishers require their authors to use.

:-\ Does the publisher provide additional information for submitting your manuscript?

:-\ Any good advice for authors on the webpage of the publisher?

Hungry Minds

Information about open-access publishing and fees:

Predatory journals, see Beall's List from 2021.

en/courses/training/element-03/worksheets/lc-ws-08-1.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/12 13:32 by fquennet