Table of Contents

O02: Concepts of Remote Sensing

After a full day of R, today everything will be about remote sensing and earth observation. As broad as this field is nowadays, we want to give you an overview of important concepts of remote sensing along with some best practices to quickly get you to work with satellite imagery. There will be three parts to this: a

  1. Video lecture along with some questions for you.
  2. Reading task to solidify the concepts on your own.
  3. R practical that applies the learned concepts.


Please follow the links below to access the lectures:

  1. Introduction to Unoccupied Aerial Systems

Lecture Questions

Reading Task

Read the article Seeing the System from Above: The Use and Potential of Remote Sensing for Studying Ecosystem Dynamics by Cornelius Senf (2022). You can download the article here as it is published as open access.

First we start with some general questions for a better understanding of the article:

The author's background is in the field of ecosystem dynamics and the article is regarding the benefits and challenges of remote sensing with regards to ecosystem research. However, the concepts depicted in the article are transferable to all environmental science (and beyond). Try to answer the next questions for yourself by keeping your own field of research in mind.

R Practice

Now we want to put the remote sensing concepts into practice. Please download the training resources here and you will find the files TASK-satellite-imagery.R along with landsat_fogo.tif and fogo_plots.gpkg in there. Open the .R file with RStudio. It will guide you through your first analysis of satellite data and their visualization.

You can download the example solution here.

Lecture References