====== Advanced Training Program on Environmental and Remote Sensing Data Analysis in Research and Teaching ======
===== A 30-day scholarship program for MSc and PhD students =====
===== from Africa, Latin America, South-East Asia and South Asia =====
The 30-day scholarship program in Germany is funded by the [[https://www.daad.de/en/|German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)]] and brought to you by the labs for [[http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/45719100/01_portrait|Geography Didactics | Frankfurt University]] and [[http://environmentalinformatics-marburg.de/|Environmental Informatics | Marburg University]].
[[en:information:description|{{https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5717/30010959855_260313d2e6_z.jpg}}]] \\
**[[en:information:description|Scholarship application and more information]]** \\
[[en:information:description|Get more information about the scholarship program and apply for a 30 day training workshop in Germany if you feel your fit to it.]]
[[en:courses:description|{{https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5816/29896331652_68ac5acb2d_z.jpg}}]] \\
**[[en:courses:description|Training elements and expected learning outcomes]]** \\
[[en:courses:description|Get more information on the training school content and the expected learning outcomes. This is how your stay in Germany will look like.]]
If you have any questions, contact us questions@gdaly.geodu.org.
Funded by {{:graphics:daad_logo-supplement_eng_blue_rgb.png?200|DAAD Logo}}