====== W01-1: 5-Day-Summerschool ====== In the last weeks, you have learned a lot about geospatial technology, biodiversity, service learning, citizen science, experienced based learning, problem based learning, reflection, feedback, learning theories, course development and learning outcomes. Now it is time to put your knowledge into practice! In the next two and a half days, you will work out a concept sketch for a "5-Day-Summerschool", which you could offer at your home university. ===== Things you need for this worksheet ===== * [[http://geotraining.geomedienlabor.de/doku.php?id=en:courses:training:element-06:materials:lc-m-01-1|M01-1: Content of the Poster]] * [[http://geotraining.geomedienlabor.de/doku.php?id=en:courses:training:element-06:materials:lc-m-01-2|M01-2: Summerschool road map]] * [[http://geotraining.geomedienlabor.de/doku.php?id=en:courses:training:element-06:materials:lc-m-01-3|M01-3: Technical guidelines]] * [[http://geotraining.geomedienlabor.de/doku.php?id=en:courses:training:element-06:materials:lc-m-01-4|M01-4: Poster design toolkit]] * [[http://geotraining.geomedienlabor.de/doku.php?id=en:courses:training:element-06:materials:lc-m-01-5|M01-5: Teaching toolkit]] * [[http://geotraining.geomedienlabor.de/doku.php?id=en:courses:training:element-06:materials:lc-m-01-6|M01-6: Ruin a course toolkit]] ===== Learning log assignments ===== :-\ Work together in goups of up to five. :-\ Develop a design for a “5-Day-Summerschool”, which you could offer at your home university. You are free to choose topic, target group, educational concern, and learning environment. :-\ Present your “5-Day-Summerschool” idea in the form of a scientific poster. Every poster should include the following [[http://geotraining.geomedienlabor.de/doku.php?id=en:courses:training:element-06:materials:lc-m-01-1|criteria]]. :-\ There will be additional material for the poster: **The summerschool road map**. [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z7gpj8W26lIh2bEmcH2kjeeur0NKYQU5mPe3s3Ngpdw/edit?usp=sharing | Here]] you find a template for the summerschool road map. It will printed on A3 and will be presented next to your poster at the poster session. :-\ Please pay attention to the [[http://geotraining.geomedienlabor.de/doku.php?id=en:courses:training:element-06:materials:lc-m-01-3|technical guidelines]] for the poster and the summerschool road map. :-\ Please pay attention to the [[http://geotraining.geomedienlabor.de/doku.php?id=en:courses:training:element-06:materials:lc-m-01-4|poster design toolkit]]. :-\ Please pay attention to the [[http://geotraining.geomedienlabor.de/doku.php?id=en:courses:training:element-06:materials:lc-m-01-5|teaching toolkit]] for learning outcomes and small & large group activities. :-\ Please pay attention to the [[http://geotraining.geomedienlabor.de/doku.php?id=en:courses:training:element-06:materials:lc-m-01-6|“How to ruin a course” toolkit]]. :-\ Please pay attention to the [[http://geotraining.geomedienlabor.de/doku.php?id=en:courses:training:element-05:description|GeoTraining Module 4: Higher Education Didactics]]. :-\ Please send the poster and the course road map as individual pdf files until 11 a.m. on Thursday, 26 September to [[alban@em.uni-frankfurt.de|alban(at)em.uni-frankfurt.de]]. Please cc this e-mail to [[Herrmann@geo.uni-frankfurt.de|Herrmann(at)geo.uni-frankfurt.de]]. :-\ Present your poster during the GeoTraining poster session in the Department of Human Geography at 2 p.m. on Thursday, 26 September.