====== M01-3: Technical guidelines ====== **Poster** * Power Point is suitable for designing your poster. But there are also other software possibilities. The end product should be a pdf file from your poster. * The size of the poster should be A0. * Make sure that the images and graphics have a sufficient resolution * If you use images which are not yours, please take care of the copyright. **Summerschool road map** * The template of the summerschool road map you find [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z7gpj8W26lIh2bEmcH2kjeeur0NKYQU5mPe3s3Ngpdw/edit?usp=sharing | here]]. Please download the template and develop a road map for your summerschool. * The size of the summerschool road map should be A3. * The final product should have a pdf file from your sommerschool road map. * The summerschool road map will be presented next to your poster in the poster session.