====== W03-2:“Sandwich-Feedback” ====== In this worksheet, we will examine the pros and cons of the very popular “Sandwich-Feedback-Strategy”. It is a simple and structured method for giving feedback: {{ :en:courses:training:element-04:worksheets:criticism-sandwich.webp | Sandwich-Feedback}} Musings of an Adult Nurse Educator, CC BY NC SA 4.0 International License, https://musingsofanadultnurseeducator.wordpress.com/2017/03/06/constructive-criticism-sandwich/ ===== Learning log assignments ===== :-\ Find up to three learning partners with whom you will work together. :-\ Do an internet research on "sandwich feedback strategy" and collect pros and cons on this strategy. (20 minutes) :-\ Save your results using [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v4hHHnoj9_I1Ruqp-8-w0auOfG3vHfPEu0eAUDemJ7U/edit?usp=sharing | this worksheet]]. (10 minutes)