====== L06: Structure of an article ====== In this session, we will focus on the structure of a standard scientific article, a genre with distinct features ==== Things we cover in this session ==== * Standard structure * Hourglass model * Tenses used in each section ==== Things you need for this session ==== * [[en:courses:training:element-03:worksheets:lc-ws-06-1|W06-1: Structure of an article]] ==== Things to take home from this session ==== At the end of this session you should be able to * identify the structure of a scientific article * use the structure for your own writing projects * write in the correct the tenses ====Slides==== [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSlAXRoq6vL8kLqRIzf19seq5wBol9yfhFCwCdXXn3UKNsbuu8QvntUTTxY6k_-_4C21ek4WRxwir14/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.g2573fe8b8b_0_0|Academic Writing: Structure of Scientific Articles]]