====== Lecturers ====== Our national and international lecturers are experienced, committed, and professionally trained. They provide in-depth experience and will help reflecting the specific topics from an international and intercultural perspective. All lecturers will do their best to give you a memorable time in Frankfurt. Lecturers who have confirmed their participation for 2024 until now: *Corrine Almeida, Professor (PhD), is Biologist and Assistant Professor at the Department of Engineering and Marine Sciences at the Universidade de Cabo Verde\\ *Celina Kafute Awala, PhD candidate, is a Lecturer for Land Administration in the Department of Land and Spatial Sciences at Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST).\\ *Olavo Cardoso Bilac is Professor, Anglist and Lecturer at the Department of Social and Human Sciences at the Universidade de Cabo Verde\\ *Herculano Dinis is Biologist and Executive Director and Co-founder of the NGO-Project Associação Projecto Vitó, Cabo Verde\\ *Detlef Kanwischer is Professor of Geographical Education at the Department of Human Geography at Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main \\ *Tiziana Li Koch, PhD student in Remote Sensing and Forest Ecology Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL & Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland \\ *Marvin Ludwig, Phd., is Geographer and Specialist in Remote Sensing and Environmental Monitoring and Analysis at the Institut für Landschaftsökologie at University of Münster \\ *Isabelle Muschaweck, PhD., Research assistant at the Department of Human Geography, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main\\ *Patricia Mwangi, PhD., is a Geospatial Engineer and a lecturer in the department of Spatial and Environmental Planning at Kenyatta University.\\ *Fabienne Quennet, Phd., is Lecturer at the Language Center of the Philipps-Universität Marburg \\ *Tesfaye Tafesse is Professor of Area and African Studies at the University of Addis Abbeba, Ethiopia \\ *Walter Schreiber, Former Head of the Methodenzentrum at University of Koblenz-Landau, Retired at Universität Koblenz-Landau\\ *Uwe Schulze, Phd., GeoTraining Coordinator, is Geographer and Postdoc in the field of Geography and Education at the Department of Human Geography at Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main.\\ * Christoph Raab, Professor (PhD), is a Geographer and Assistant Professor for applied geoecology at the Institute of Geography at the University of Hildesheim, Germany.