Table of Contents

W03-1: Your own story

While the previous worksheets provided at least some pre-selected information and content, it is now time to come up with your idea, your story, your analysis, your map.

Things you need for this worksheet

Learning log assignments

To tell a story, you need a story. So let's get started:

:-\ Find a story.

  1. Please do a little brain storming and come up with an idea of a story you want to tell.
  2. If you have chosen your story, ask yourself if you have sufficient information to tell it or if you need some more information. Information can be data, images, etc. but also analysis.
  3. If you need more information or analysis, check if you can get it in time. If not, go back to 1.

:-\ Collect your information and formulate some guiding analysis questions

  1. Once you have chosen your story, collect all required data sets.
  2. Formulate some key questions, hypothesis etc. to narrow down your analysis pathway.
  3. Again, check if the required data fits your guiding questions and if the later fit your story. If not, reconsider the data you require or go back and find a new story.

:-\ Analyze your information following your guiding questions. This is where R starts!

:-\ Prepare publication quality graphics and prepare your final story map using ArcGIS online.

Additional software, data and tools

If you want something to play with, here you will find some additional software, data and tools:

The following links from BIS-FOGO Project will be helpful to find further content and data, code examples, and additional ideas and material to finish the tutorial section freely.