====== L02: Academic writing: style ====== In this session, we will focus on the stylistic elements of academic writing in English. We will concentrate on the word level, move on to the sentence level and review important textual markers. You will have the chance to practice the individual topics. ==== Things we cover in this session ==== * Working with academic vocabulary * Using the Academic Word List by Avril Coxhead * Learning more about phrases, synonyms and collocations * Identifying compound and complex sentences * Revising punctuation, capitalization, spelling ==== Things you need for this session ==== * [[en:courses:training:element-03:worksheets:lc-ws-02-1|W02-1:Academic Vocabulary]] * [[en:courses:training:element-03:worksheets:lc-ws-02-2|W02-2:Academic Word List]] * [[en:courses:training:element-03:worksheets:lc-ws-02-3|W02-3:Academic Phrases]] * [[en:courses:training:element-03:worksheets:lc-ws-02-4|W02-4:Collocation Exercise]] * [[en:courses:training:element-03:worksheets:lc-ws-02-5|W02-5:Sentences Exercise]] * [[en:courses:training:element-03:worksheets:lc-ws-02-6|W02-6:Punctuation, Capitalization, Spelling]] ==== Things to take home from this session ==== At the end of this session, you should be able to * choose appropriate academic vocabulary * expand your vocabulary range with the AWL and other resources (academic phrasebank) * know the difference between compound and complex sentences * use textual markers accurately * identify your personal stylistic choices ==== Slides ==== [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vT936UJ4J5YdUzLD5gJLb_lgzMMUBjgGaZ71gVbFDzBP9SXxU9wOd7jB93USB0d1ee9MXa-LOw1wEEr/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.g266c7ef8ca_3_45|Academic Writing: Style]] ==== Extras ==== For information on punctuation differences between BE and AE go: [[https://proofed.com/writing-tips/differences-american-british-punctuation/|here]]. For information on spelling and vocabulary differences between BE and AE go: [[https://www.britishcouncilfoundation.id/en/english/articles/british-and-american-english |here]].